Sunday, July 13, 2014

Miraculous happy endings?!

I have come across many miracle blogs in my days, and they bring tears to my eyes to realize the greatness of the faith of these people and the answer to their prayers. And ultimately the power and glory of God through them all! I notice how they praised the Lord even when they didn’t want to, through the journey, and I also notice by the end of the blog their biggest hurt, their biggest fear, their biggest desire is often many times answered, satisfied, or completed. People unable to have children struggle through years of testing, highs and lows and then, praise the Lord, a child is conceived and born. There are people who long to find a spouse and wait on the Lord for years for the right one, experiencing hurts and heartbreaks themselves, and again, praise the Lord, a wedding takes place. And other stories/situations that have a happy ending. Yet, what about those still out there. Still praying, still trusting the Lord, still hurting, but the end of their blog is not a happy ending? An answer to a long time prayer? Maybe it hasn’t ended how they desire or want it to? What about those that still desire so deeply to have children, yet are still in the valley of infertility. What about those whom still want to wake up next to a spouse, that want to grow old with that one special person? Yet still finds themselves alone? What about those blogs? It says to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep. Today, I weep with those who weep.

Questions arise in the hearts of those still praying. Have I done something wrong? Am I praying enough? Am I missing something? Will the answer I am looking for ever come? What’s wrong with me? Compromise? Press on? Give up? Who cares anyway?

And yet, the God I serve is SO mighty, so in love with ME, so desires the best for me, I have to continue to pray. I continue to seek the Lord. I continue to obey Him (not always), but I come back to Him. Many times I desire to take things into my own hands and just do my own thing. But I know this is wrong. For God’s word is truth, and He will never leave me or forsake me. (Deut. 31:8) He cares for me. (1 Peter 5:7) He knew every day of my life BEFORE I ever came to be. (Psalms 139:16) These are BIG truths. And they cover the area of a spouse, of having children; of…you fill in your blank. He’s got me. He’s got YOU! Tenderly, gently, lovingly, He’s got us!! Bad days, good days, happy days, sad days, every day…His joy completes me.

I still long, I still pray, and I still trust the Lord to do with me what He will, and know in my heart, even if my actions don’t always show it, that His ways are best. I will trust, obey and wait. (“I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my GOD, in whom I trust.’” Psalm 91:2 “Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in You!” Psalm 84:12 AND “the Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise HIM!” Psalm 28:7)

This blog doesn’t end with the happy story of ‘I am in the most romantic relationship with the most godly man ever, and we are about to get engaged’. No. That is not the end of this blog. BUT, it doesn’t end sad either. Yes, I long for that. But today the blog ends with the contentment and joy of the Lord, even when I want to be bitter and mad. The ‘happy’ ending of this blog is that Christ is my all, and whether I completely agree with HIS idea of what is best for me or not, I KNOW in my heart, the plans HE has for me, are the best plans. In my tears, in my smiles, in my pain, in my rejoicing, HE will be my everything! I end with the lyrics to one of my favorite praise songs by Tim Hughes (click on the link to hear the song, and I suggest just closing your eyes and listening to the words.  I have modified the verses below so they don’t repeat like they would as if we sang it. And the emphasis is mine) Enjoy! 

“Everything” by Tim Hughes

God in my living, there in my breathing
God in my waking, God in my sleeping
God in my resting, there in my working
God in my thinking, God in my speaking

Be my everything, be my everything!

God in my hoping, there in my dreaming
God in my watching, God in my waiting
God in my laughing, there in my weeping
God in my hurting, God in my healing

Be my everything, be my everything!

Christ in me, Christ in me
Christ in me, the hope of glory
YOU are everything!

BE my everything, be my everything!
YOU are everything, You are everything!!


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