Thursday, June 26, 2014

Rainbow, God's unending promise to us!

ZRT Girl Camping Trip June 20-22, 2014
Ladies, God is good all the time, ALL the time God is good.
I have prayed about this weekend, and I am SO blessed to be here, right here, right NOW, with each of you! I prayed the Lord would bring who HE wanted, I prayed He would speak to each of us as we slowed down this weekend and just basked in HIS creation! No cell phones, no emails, no TV, no media…just each other, AND the CREATOR Himself. I prayed the Lord would show me scriptures to share, songs to sing, and stories to proclaim HIS goodness. And I have to say, going into Thursday morning, I wasn’t confident at what the Lord wanted me to show, to share. Yes, I have pulled different scriptures about Him being our ROCK, which are powerful, and I will share them with you. But as I was heading to work on Thursday morning, the Lord made it VERY clear what HE wanted ME to share with YOU!
You know lately our weather has been pretty rainy, which is sooo good. We have been in drought for years, and so the moisture is much needed! And to see everything so green is amazing! With that the garden I planted needs moisture, the rain water has nutrients that can’t be reproduced by man, and the power of that water is amazing! EVEN though the sun hasn’t shown as much as I think it should to make the garden grow, despite MY thoughts, my garden has BLOSSOMED with this natural, nutrient filled rain water. NOT kidding, things doubled in size in one day! So, as I headed to work on Thursday morning, there in the west sky was a very light, distant, partial rainbow…as I neared Shiloh Rd, it grew almost fainter, but, I dug for my camera and snapped a picture anyway. As I turned onto Shiloh and headed north, the rainbow grew, in brightness and in size. It was about the time I got to Emmanuel Baptist Church, that it got brighter yet! The rainbow was directly over the church! And as I went by, I thought…capture that…capture that picture, the promises of GOD are covering HIS people, His church, ME! But, it was too late, and I had already passed the church, yet I really felt the prompting to get this on ‘film’. So I went to the roundabout at Central Ave, and circled around, yes, I was going to be late for work now, but I needed to capture this on my camera for some reason. As I turned around, the rainbow turned into a FULL rainbow arch! The awe of my Savior grew! I took a few pictures and got back on track to head to work. Well, as I kept going north, God kept increasing the rainbow! It was now a full arch, bright, and a double appeared! As I drove along Shiloh, the dark sky behind the brightly colored rainbow, the glowing green farmers fields in front of it, and then the old barn and broken wooden fence…the picture was sooo perfect, such colors, and beauty. (I did not capture this on my camera as I didn’t want to cause an accident, so this picture will have to stay engraved in my mind.) It was incredible. And I asked the Lord, does anyone see this but me? Anyone?! The Lord drew me to His Awesomeness with this rainbow, and I praised Him…on the radio played, I’m tired, I’m worn, my heart is heavy…which is true, this world is a battlefield for the Believer, and it gets tiring to keep fighting. Yet, these two magnificent rainbows reminded me of God’s promises…one, He will not destroy the earth with a flood, and second, of another one of His promises, He will never leave me, He will never forsake me. EVER. Promise made, promise kept. And that goes for all the other promises in His word…Promises by the Lord our God will NEVER be broken! EVER!
Well, the story doesn’t end there. I got to work still gasping at this rainbow…and I called a gal on the west end to have her take a look at this morning rainbow too…in all of its beauty and to point her to the Creator who made it…and to encourage her to carry on!! That someone else would be blessed by this spectacular sight! She said it made her day. Well ladies, that rainbow stuck around…and around…and around…and around…and around…the arch got shorter, and narrower, but I kept looking to the west to see it…and as it hung around…I was in more awe…and crazy enough… I was able to see that rainbow from the first faint glow of colored stripes at 7:45 until the buildings hid it when it dropped so low I couldn’t see it at 9:15!!! I have NEVER experienced a rainbow that stuck around for an hour and a half! Usually a rainbow is something you catch a glimpse of, watch it for a few minutes, and then it fades away. Not this day. Today the Lord encouraged me and it was as if He said…”Daughter, nothing is beyond me, I am your Living water that nourishes unlike anything or anyone in this world, I am your solid Rock, and you will NOT be shaken when you stand firm on My word, and hold fast to My hand! These are not mere words, but these are the promises I have given to YOU! I do not falsely speak, and I mean what I say. As evidence and a reminder of these truths, today, I gave you My rainbow(s) as a visual, I am here, I promise! And yes, the rainbow faded, but I, I will NOT fade, My truth remains, My promises true. I am your ROCK, lift your eyes up, and keep them fixed on Me!!”
Ladies, our God is our Rock, and as we can hear the river raging OVER the rocks, they do not move. They are solid, (how much more solid is Christ) and the picture of the water washing over them…the Living Water, is also our God. He washes us clean, He sustains us, He fills us, that we would splash this Living Water on others, and be contagious! Christ contagious! So, as I look at this weekend, and the purpose to be refreshed, to relax, to be renewed, the Lord has brought it full circle…for: On Christ the solid Rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand…for He has washed us clean with and we drink the Living Water, we are refreshed, renewed! Oh, what a glorious picture indeed!! Indeed!
Genesis 1:31 says, "And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was VERY good.  And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day."
Psalm 8:3-6, "When I consider the heavens, the work of HIS fingers, the moon and the stars, which He has ordained, what is man, that Thou dost take thought of him?  And the son of man, that He dost care for him?  Yet God has made him a little lower than God, and has crowned him with glory and majesty!  He does make him to rule overthe works of His hands; He has put ALL things under his feet!"
A daughter of the King,

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