Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Perspective Change: Burden vs. Blessing

The Lord is in the business of changing hearts and lives and I am blessed to be one of them. 

I have struggled with my weight most of my life and my perspective has been "What a burden that I struggle with my weight. I know other people have different battles, but this one is ugly, everyone can see my battle and why do I continue to battle with it?" Yet, once again, I am in a Bible study discussing the freedom there is in Christ, in all areas of life, especially food, when we allow God the ability to do so, giving over this area of life. Things I know, yet obviously needing to be reminded of them again. The ladies God has put around me are blessing me richly with their honesty, their hearts desire to be free from the bondage of food, to live in physical freedom, and be healthy, available to do even more for the Lord! As I was having extended quiet time with the Lord, He revealed an "ah-ha" moment. Let me share.

As a believer, scripture reveals many truths about our bodies; they are not our own, they are a temple of the Holy Spirit, honor God with them, etc. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20; ) There are also many passages using food as examples/parables. For example, the fruit of the Spirit; turning water into wine; give the Lord our first fruits; planting, sowing, reaping; He is the bread of life; and "whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God". (1 Corinthians 10:31; Galatians 5:22-23; ) Yet, how very interesting the sacraments to remember what God did with his Son for us to be forgiven, are juice/wine and bread. Food. How interesting to think that He used food, a physically sustaining element of life, as the image/tool to reflect the greater, spiritual life sustaining act of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ!! Is this an accident?  Aren't we suppose to be free from the bondage of food and yet here, in taking communion we indulge in food? How ironic. Of course communion is not an over indulging of food or beverage, but the Lord revealed something even more personal to me.

I have been looking at my life long battle of overeating as a burden (and yes, it is still a sin to be a glutton) however, the Lord says, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life", basically the Sustainer of me.  And instead of looking at this battle as unfortunate, the Lord has asked me to look at it as a blessing. Really? A blessing?  YES!

 In a tender way, the Lord said, "Daughter, this is My battle too, I fight it with you. Think of how I continue to reveal Myself to you.  You continuously come back to Me, acknowledging you cannot do this on your own.  You continuously cry to Me to be your Sustainer, your Helper, to bring your focus back to Me.  You ask to be free of this burden of over eating. I hear you. I am with you every step of the way, but this is what I have chosen to give you to fight. Why? Because daughter, it brings us closer together. You know food is essential to physically sustain you and you also know, because of that, how much MORE I, your Lord, sustains you as your Spiritual food. You, child of mine, can overcome this, but I am choosing this as your battle to keep you close to Me, that you would realize over and over again I am your everything. You have to carefully consider what you put in your mouth more than others because I want you to ponder what is of value physically and more importantly, spiritually.  Some people may just put whatever they want in their mouth, 'it is permissible, but not everything is beneficial" (1 Corinthians 6:12) It may not appear other people's bodies reflect the poor choices they put in their mouth, but I want you to focus carefully on what you put in, to what you will get as the outcome. It might not seem fair, but you, precious child of mine, are growing closer to Me, your Heavenly Father, your Savior, because of this so called, 'burden'. So, daughter of Me, the King of all kings, lift your weary head, gaze into My eyes, see that this 'burden' is a blessing. See the care in My eyes, see the closeness we have, see the scars that show I have already won your battle. Keep looking into my strong, deep eyes, hold this gaze a little longer as you see how deeply I love you and know your hardest moments, know I am aware of the smallest, tiniest hurt you wear. As I take hold of your hand and with My other hand gently wipe your tear marked with guilt & shame & heaviness, know that I am the strength of your heart and your portion forever. (Psalm 73:26) Know that I have turned your mourning into dancing and loosed your sackcloth, clothing you in gladness so that you, my sweet daughter, can sing praise and give thanks to ME forever. (Psalm 30: 11&12) I am the Lord your God and I love you so much, I want your attention in this area of your life. You are doing well, continue to find your strength in Me, continue to fill up in Me. We have this, together!"

As the Lord revealed this to me, my shoulders felt lighter.  I eat differently. I am not weighted down of  always 'failing' in this area. The heart change of seeing this as a blessing has changed my minds focus as well. I AM NOT A FAILURE. God simply wants me to refocus on why I put anything in my mouth in the first place, to fuel and build up, not to over-indulge or self medicate. When I choose the better option, I am successful and through each choice, the Lord is with me.  He blesses me because I am turning more to Him, so in the end, there will be less of me.

*Bible study mentioned: Keeton, A. (2017). The wellness revelation: Lose what weighs you down so you can love God, yourself, and others. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale Momentum.

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