Sunday, February 16, 2014

Jesus knows me, THIS I love!

Valentine's Day. Eek! Those two words can mean so much, and bring so much hurt and pain for people, and for others it is a day full of excitement and anticipation.

I have been single on this National Day of Love for many years now and the JOY is in me.  It is a day where Facebook explodes with romantic stories, great dates and proposals.  Pictures of candlelight dinners and beautiful arrangements of flowers, and the aroma of those bouquets that outweigh the still shot posted, will be shared for all to see.  And yet, the posts leave out the greatest love story EVER!  “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 And that example is the Father and Son.  God gave His Son for me. For us.  HE loves us SO much, He was willing to sacrifice that which was so close to Him, whom He loves so much, that we would have eternal life WITH Him.  THAT is the greatest love story.  HE, the God of the universe, LOVES me, that ‘before any of my days were written, each one of them was written!” Psalm 139:16.   He loves me that much!  He pursues me daily. He waits for me to call, to chat.  He waits to share with me the great plans He has planned for me.  He desires ALL my heart (Proverbs 3:5&6) HE IS LOVE. 

As Valentine’s Day approaches each year, my heart is filled with excitement and anticipation.  This is a day where people are free to express their love for others.  It is a day that is ‘okay’ to let it be known who you love.  And yet, love should be shown and expressed daily to those you love, and not just limited to a ‘romantic’ relationship.  Anyway, I look forward to see who will get beautiful flowers, what thoughtful things will be done, said, or given to show love.  It excites me.  I wait, but don’t expect, flowers to be delivered to work, but the possibility, of who could have possibly thought of me, brings me joy.  When, at the end of the day, I still have not received flowers, the JOY is still overflowing because I know that the Lord loves me MORE than any person could, than any flower arrangement could express.  His love is everlasting, unconditional, and beautiful!  Yet when I got home, there was a Valentine’s Day package in my mailbox!  It was more than I expected, and the blessed tears hit my cheeks. The precious handwriting of a 9 year old on a pink lace-edged, heart shaped card, said, “Happy Valentine’s Day Becky! love Angellina!”  And the silly pink and purple monkey socks in the package that made it to the post office in time by my mom, spoke volumes of love to my heart.  The Lord blessed me through this little package.  I set it aside and it was show time.  I had 5 gals coming over for dinner.  A dinner to serve, bless, and love on them.

It was an evening full of LOVE.  We oozed love on each other, and laughed.  The Lord brought together this group of ladies, and it was ALL Him.  He first loved us, that we would love one another.  Oh, it was a success. 



Valentine’s Day.  It was over.  Love was shared, love was received.  BUT, not without a good fight of the darkness of this world.  My joy, my love was in battle.  Flesh vs. Spirit.  Flesh saying, “where was MY love, who reached out to ME, who showed ME love, where was MY invite.  Does anyone care?”  And I quickly took those thoughts captive, and chose to stand on the promises of God.  He asked me to share the evening with ladies, to LOVE on them.  HE put on my heart who to invite, and HE knew who could or couldn’t come.  HE brought the evening to fruition.  HE provided the meal.  HE was present.  HE joined us.  I had obeyed.  Those gals were/are loved, they know they are loved, they were blessed.  So as I hit the pillow, the JOY had returned, and the lies were fleeting.  I am loved.  I am a Princess, a daughter of the King.  I AM LOVED.  Jesus knows me, He knows my needs.  Love from humans is a blessing, but an EXTRA blessing, for the Lord loves me MORE than any human possibly could, and He is where my hope lies.  What more do I need?  Oh the Lord blessed me this Valentine’s Day. 

Jesus LOVES me, this I know!  Jesus KNOWS me, THIS I love!

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