Saturday, December 28, 2013

Theme Verse for 2014

Romans 12:9-12

 Let love (an intense feeling of deep affection) be genuine (authentic, actual, true), abhor (regard with disgust and hatred, detesting) what is evil (wicked, immoral, bad, sinful, wrong, corrupt).  Hold fast (remain tightly secure) to what is good (that which is morally right; righteousness).  LOVE (an intense feeling of deep affection) one another (person other than self, undiscriminating) with brotherly affections.  Out-do (to do MORE or better than) one another in showing honor (high respect; esteem; regard with great reverence).  Do not be slothful (lazy, sluggish, lethargic) in zeal (intense enthusiasm for), be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.  Rejoice (feel and show great joy or delight) in hope (expectation), be patient (accept and tolerate without annoyance) in tribulation (great trouble or suffering), be constant (occurring continuously over period of time, around the clock) in prayer (a request; a reverent petition to God).

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