Thursday, February 4, 2016

Praise Report!!

“Another praise report…” what I was expecting to hear is not what came out of the other person’s mouth.  It was a ‘praise’ because something fell through and didn’t work out.  Initially I thought, wow…did he really mean ‘praise report’? 
Then it hit me.  YES!  It was a praise report!  We are called to praise HIM, the Lord Jesus Christ in the good and the bad.  In this particular instance and in any instance it is a praise!!  Because even if things don’t go the way we planned or even the way the Lord seemed to be taking it…it is STILL a praise!!!  Why?  Because the Lord works all things together for His good and HE knows better than we do, and if things didn’t go as planned, most likely He is protecting us from something or He has a better plan etc…and therefore we can truly and honestly say, “Praise the LORD”!  So, I was able to respond and say, “Yes, PRAISE THE LORD”!

So, are you praising the Lord for the unanswered prayer? Are you praising the Lord for redirection of something you thought was happening a certain way? Are you praising the Lord even in the valleys!?  My prayer is that you will!  I was reminded of the importance to praise the Lord in and through it all!

**Funny how it has been over a year since i posted and the last post was what it was...and to follow it with this one...God is good!  PRAISE HIM!! :)

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