Saturday, January 25, 2014

HEART: Psalm 51:17

"Have you ever seen a woman who steadfastly minds her own business? Who diligently protects the 'hidden person of the heart' (I Peter 3:4); she guards the sacred secrets of her soul. She exudes a peaceful, unwavering gentleness of spirit. Whether she is naturally quiet or has a vibrant personality, she does NOT allow her emotions to lead her actions. She is busy about her FATHER'S work; she finds her delight IN Him instead of in the dramatic human sagas that may swirl about her. Such a woman is truly a delight - both to those around her and to the HEART of her GOD!"

This is something that the Lord has been working on my heart about.  This is what I SO desire to be.  The quote is not mine, I am not sure who wrote it, but a true beauty for the Lord, that is for sure.  I have been slow to post this because of how convicting it has been to me since the moment I read it.  And the thoughts that swirl in this head of mine are ferocious!  I am not here yet.  I have not arrived.  I daily strive, seek Him, to be like this woman.  It is hard work!  So, this is the desire of my heart! To STEADFASTLY mind my own business.  DILIGENTLY protect my heart, the very being of who I am. To exude (display strongly and openly, and steadily), a peaceful, unwavering (unshakeable) gentleness (considerate or kindly disposition, amiable, tender, not harsh or severe) of spirit! To NOT allow my emotions to lead my actions, but may my actions be of THEE SPIRIT!  Busy about my FATHER’s work! To find DELIGHT (great pleasure or enjoyment) in HIM, Jesus Christ, not mankind!  Lord, may how I live and act, may this be a delight to those around me…loving to love, and exude more of YOU!  And most importantly…to bring GREAT delight to YOU!!!!  I want to be ALL about my Father’s business!! 

Oh Father, do this work in and through me!  You get the glory!!

Psalm 51:17
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite HEART, O God, You will not despise!"

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