Friday, December 19, 2014


I am an emotional basket case.  Yet the truth remains the same: GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, ALL the time GOD is GOOD!  And as much as I want to throw myself a pity party, I can’t.  I am healthier than many, I have options to take care of this abdominal mass, and bottom line, it could be so much worse.  So for that, I am thankful to be where I am at.  I trust the Lord.  I just want answers faster, I want this mass dealt with and done. I, I, I...I am being pretty selfish.

My pastor’s wife has been battling brain cancer for over a year.  She has been very sick at times, in pain, fighting this fight hard and giving glory to the Lord through it.  A dear friend of mine, only 30 years, old passed away two short weeks ago...HIS family is mourning the loss of a dear son, brother, husband and friend.  WHAT do I really have to whine about?  Instead of crying tears of frustration for myself, wishing the waiting was over and this mass was removed.  I can’t cry for myself as much as I want to because of others close to be in GREATER pain and frustration.  I cry tears of gratefulness that my abdominal mass can be treated, can be removed and life for ME, should go back to normal fairly quickly.  NOT the case for Tami.  NOT the case for Paul’s family.  Tami lives day TO day.  She has been so thankful for this year she has been given, but no one really knows the Lord’s timing.  Paul’s family lived life to the fullest too.  Enjoying every moment they had with Paul, and yet now, all too soon he was called home to the Father and they are missing their son.  Life is ever changing. The Lord sends things into our lives for a reason, I fully believe that.  He doesn’t make mistakes.  His timing is PERFECT.  He is not surprised by these circumstances.  What He asks for is the glory.  That HE be praised in the tough moments and on the mountain tops. 

With that said, that is why I can’t throw myself a pit party.  That is why I can’t invite you to join my pity party.  Where is the glory for the Lord in that?  That puts the focus on me, which is the very thing I attempt to overcome...die to self, that I would whole heartedly follow Christ in all I am, in all I say, and ALL I do.  So, I praise the Lord for today. A day to give glory to HIM in everything.  I pray for my sister Tami fighting her fight gloriously. I pray for my dear siblings in Christ, as they mourn and celebrate the life of Paul. My heart hurts for both stories, because I can’t imagine their task...I can’t, but I can pray for them, love them, encourage them, support them and learn from them...because their lives and stories SHINE JESUS through and through.  They live that Christ would be known...and THAT is beautiful!

So today, my tears are mixed emotions, but bottom line these tears are tears of Joy, that the Lord is in control, and HE so tenderly holds EACH one of us in the palm of HIS hands!  i love HIM. i LOVE Him. I love Him.  I LOVE HIM!